Under Sink Grease Trap:
Grease Raider Ezy Clean Under Sink Grease Trap
A Viking Grease Raider electromechanical under sink grease trap is installed in restaurants, food outlets and commercial kitchens so wastewater containing fats, oils and grease (FOG) can be collected and removed prior to the water reaching the sewer.
The Grease Raider is an automatic unit that continues operation over a 24 hour period. The Grease Raider has an internal rotating roller. The FOG adheres to the roller and is removed via a wiper blade. The FOG then flows to an external collection container. The outcome is cleaner water discharged to the sewer.
Hot water jets within the Grease Raider clean the sides of the tank, the roller, wiper blade, and the FOG chute. The result is a cleaner appliance, operating continuously with reduced maintenance.
The Grease Raider is useful in applications where there is limited space including no room for an external passive trap or the bench height is restricted.
The Grease Raider is designed to minimise the daily effort required to service and maintain a Grease Removal Unit. However, the Grease Raider will still require some cleaning and servicing to maintain it in good operating condition and avoid unpleasant odours or overflowing.
Distributed by Viking Plastics for Australia wide delivery. All Viking products comply with trade waste water requirements set by local water authorities.
For further information, download the Grease Raider G15 & G25 Spec sheet.
For expert advice and a no obligation free quote, call Viking Plastics on 03 9587 2297