What is a Grease Trap?

Grease Trap: A grease trap is a tank that sits between a sink and the general sewer to stop pollutants like grease and oil from entering the sewage system. Also known as a “Food and Oil Interceptor”, “Grease Interceptor” or “Triple Interceptor”, a grease trap contains baffles that slow the flow of hot greasy water.  By slowing the water flow and allowing the water to cool, pollutants can either … Continued

What is a Triple Interceptor?

Triple Interceptor: A Triple Interceptor is also known as a Food and Oil Interceptor or Grease Trap.  It is a tank installed between a sink and a public sewer to prevent pollution from trade waste such as grease, fat, oil, silt, sand, sludge and other substances entering into the sewer system.  A grease trap has a number of baffles that slow the flow of warm/hot greasy water allowing the water to cool. … Continued

What is a Food and Oil Interceptor?

Food and Oil Interceptor: A Food and Oil Interceptor is also known as a grease trap.  It is a tank-like device that slows the flow of waste water into the sewer by using gravity to allow fats and oils to separate for disposal at an appropriate facility.  Retail food business that cook or serve hot food will need to install a grease trap. Waste water from food … Continued