Bespoke Plastic Fabrication

Viking Plastics – an industry leader in bespoke plastic fabrication

With over 60 years of expertise, Viking Plastics provides world class bespoke plastic fabrication for all types of specialised applications.

Every product is meticulously built to the highest standards by Viking’s team of DVS qualified fabricators.

“A large number of the products we build are specially designed or adapted to our customers’ individual needs. Our years of experience in the bespoke plastic fabrication industry provide us with the expertise to assist with any specialised design.” Viking Plastics’ Managing Director, Malcolm Ling, explains.

“There may be occasions that non-standard products are required.  When shape and dimensions are critical, we will attend the site to precisely measure the available space to ensure the manufactured tank is tailored to your precise specifications. For example, custom made tanks to fit under a bench or hidden within a cabinet.”


Paneltim grid profile

In addition to prime quality PVC, polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) plastic, Viking Plastics utilise Paneltim®, an innovative 50mm thick, dual skin sandwich panel.  Because Paneltim® has an internal cross-rib cell structure; it has superior strength and rigidity in both length and width.  Paneltim® is made from Polypropylene Copolymer (PPCO) or High Density Polyethylene (HDPE).  The result is a product that is chemical resistant, requires less reinforcement, is shockproof and ensures static and dynamic stability.

Duckboard Place Case Study

Viking Plastics recently received a request for a 3000 litre above ground custom size grease trap.

Bespoke plastic fabrication at Duckboard Place

The trap needed to be installed in a very difficult location within a new restaurant in Duckboard Place, just off Flinders Lane in Melbourne’s CBD.

“The only available location to install the grease trap was at ground level. This just happened to be at the bottom of a seven story light shaft in between four buildings! Access was difficult, through a narrow passage way, down a stair well and through a small doorway.  The grease trap needed to be installed behind an existing retaining wall in a very narrow space,” says, Malcom.

The only way this installation could be achieved was to construct the grease trap on-site. Due to the difficult location and complexities on site, the custom size grease trap was manufactured from Paneltim®. As Paneltim® panels are suitable for welding construction, the individual panels and components of the grease trap were lowered over the side of a two level balcony and constructed on top of a scaffold before finally being winched into position.

“Every aspect of the grease trap was customised. Most noteworthy, was that the tank had to fit into a narrow space, all pipe-work had to be located at one end and an internal pump out port had to be fitted. The use of Paneltim® construction panels, combined with Viking’s experience in customised tank fabrication, provided the solution for this very challenging installation.”

Mega Tanks

24,000 litre tanks for Coliban Water

Bespoke plastic fabrication and manufacturing over-sized tanks is all in a day’s work at Viking Plastics.  They have the technology and expertise to fabricate tanks to almost any specification.   Recent installations include an 8,000 litre sewerage holding tank for a floating dock in Hobart; an 8,000 litre chiller tank for a process plant in Warrnambool, and 2 x 24,000 litre chemical tanks for Coliban Water in Bendigo, Victoria.

The chiller tank was built with two chambers – one holding hot water at 50 degrees Celsius, the other chilled water.  At 8 metres long and 2 metres wide, the tank fitted nicely onto a semitrailer for transport to site.  The chemical tanks hold Sodium Hypochlorite as part of a water purification process.

Australia Wide Delivery

All Viking Plastics’ bespoke plastic tanks are fabricated in their modern, well equipped facility located in Braeside, Melbourne.  Whilst based in Melbourne, Viking supplies products to all parts of Australia – even to the most remote locations. In addition to bespoke products, Viking Plastics also supply a full range of standard grease traps, trade waste tanks, fume cupboards, chemical resistant fume exhaust fans and, ventilation ducting and fittings for fume extraction.

Got a project that requires bespoke plastic fabrication?  There’s a good chance Viking will say “yes” and be the manufacturer you’re looking for.

Call Viking Plastics on +61 3 9587 2297 to discuss your ideas.